Fees and Routes
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On default, Skeleton Swap Router will utilize liquidity from the AMM to execute trades and find the best price for traders.
However, users are always able to customize their trade by choosing to enable or disable multihops and split routing.
To check how much trading will be charged on your current swap, check out the “Fee” section in the swap detail section.
To check which type of pool and the fee tier your trade is currently routed through, check out the “Route” section.
To learn more detail, click the magnifier icon to bring out the full trading route displays.
At the bottom of the “Customize Routing” interface, you can customize your routing preferences by enabling or disabling multihops and split routing.
Multihops allow tokens to swap through multiple hops between serval liquidity pools to achieve the best deal. Turning it off will restrict trades to direct swaps, which may cause higher slippage or even fund loss.
Split routing enables token swaps to be broken into multiple routes to achieve the best deal. Turning it off will restrict trades from being executed with a single route, which may result in low efficiency or higher slippage.
When your trade can not be executed due to a customized trading configuration, a warning will appear, you can click “Check your settings” to quickly bring up the“Customize Routing” interface. Or choose “Reset to default” to quickly reset your configurations back to default.